Hi there! It's me again with another bright manicure for this Tri-polish challenge. So, as a reminder (or if you missed my previous post) all the rules are here.
These are my colours for March.
These are my colours for March.
And nope, this is not a challenge about strange fauna! lol
I just thought it would be cool to do my first leopard mani ever using these shades, and the result was pretty psycodellic. For this manicure I first painted all my nails with Essie Ole caliente, then added some sopts with the Sandoz Violeta, and did the typical "c" form around the spots with Nyx Ink Black liner. I did that with all my nails except the ring finger nail where I reversed the colours. The result was not as sharp as I would have expectd, and I blame the nyx liner (well, I have to blame something) and of course my lack of practice. Oh, well, next time it'll be better.
Please, let me know what do you think of this challenge so far! i'm having much fun doing it, because I'm not thinking of mandatory colours as a limitation, but just as a wonderful opportunity of making your "typical" nail art design a little more crazy!!
the next manicure for this challenge will be up next week. And don't forget to check the other participants manicures for today.